ScientificAerospace financially supporting getting young people into work

See our Corporate Social Responsibility commitment to partner with Employment Advantage
Mrs Natalia Josephs
Managing Director
Impowrd Pty Ltd
PO Box 7326
Karawara WA 6152
16 January 2018
Dear Natalia
Sponsorship under Corporate Social Responsibility Criteria
As negotiated our company is now pleased to confirm $35,000 financial support to be used for early start by schools to take up of course programs in high schools in 2018.
We have assessed various projects to support and considered their strategic objectives. Impowrd goals for a minimum of 50,000 students nationally to access and use your course we consider a modest target to be achieved by school participation and support.
It is pleasing to know your e-learning course Employment Advantage is online accessible for any Australian and New Zealand high school participants. Based on evident prior history this demonstrates course participants can expect improved up to double the chances with their job search and employment outcomes as participants in years 10, 11 and 12.
Understanding the ‘Why, What and How’ issues to achieve full time or part time employment are critical for Australia’s future employees and employers and always have been.
Many job seeking candidates try to enter the workplace without any contextual understanding of what they should research about their own interests and how they approach many basic steps to match employer’s requirements and expectations.
Often also lacking can be simple aspects of basic social skills.
This lack of knowledge does not assist them and those in the workplace they engage with.
Scientific Aerospace now agree to subsidise the rollout of your programs in 2018 and skills learning courses recognised in WA and accredited for WACE.
We will financially assist those High Schools and their careers counselors or equivalent officers to make available an opportunity to achieve improved outcomes for candidates under their care.
Impowrd may now draw down up to $35,000 financing until 28 February 2018.
We encourage you to advise schools to take actions to register for our subsidy support.
At 1 March 2018 undrawn funding will be held over to be available for Impowrd’s next school product Developing Social Skills for the Workplace due to launch from 1 July 2018.
We are very pleased to partner with Impowrd and these important initiatives.
Please keep us advised as to this subsidy outreach to High Schools.
Most sincerely,
Geoff Trowbridge
Managing Director
- Tags: Employment Advantage, news