
Less setup, more coverage.


Cover more ground with industry-leading flight time in a hand-launched drone. Lynx flies for up to three hours and is perfect for mapping large areas with high precision and resolution. The aircraft is simple to use, and its Kevlar construction is extremely durable. Takeoff with the press of a button and land in confined areas with a deep-stall.

The Lynx aircraft is designed and manufactured by SRP aero in the USA. ScientificAerospace has been working in partnership with SRP aero on ongoing developments since 2016, with a particular focus on the needs of their customers in the Asia Pacific region.

  • Minimal Setup

    No unnecessary gear. The hand launch takeoff and deep-stall landing are both versatile and simple and do not require any additional equipment onboard or on the ground. The aircraft features a clip-on tail and removable three-piece wing for easy transport and rapid assembly. The entire system packs down into one carry-on size case and one airline checkable case.

  • Benefits

    Map more per flight
    Multiple payload options
    High precision
    Minimize need for ground control
    Operate from confined areas
    Small equipment footprint
    Digitised Linework
    Minimal setup time
    Automated checklist
    Intuitive mission planning
  • Designed for the Field

    Lynx FarScight was designed from the ground up to be a mapping drone. It is a precision handcrafted system and made from the toughest materials available. The aircraft itself is simple, with only three moving parts, and extremely durable to withstand field abuse. A modular payload bay sits beneath the wing allowing users to fly the right camera for job.

  • Flexible Precision

    Achieve centimeter level accuracy with post-processed kinematics PPK GNSS , or activate PPK when needed without any hardware changes to the aircraft.

  • Intuitive Controls

    Swift GCS is your interface to the drone. The built-in checklist features automated preflight steps and an illustrated walkthrough that guides new users through the flying process. Survey planning is powerful yet simple, with intuitive controls and drag and drop waypoints. Swift GCS is optimized for touch and requires minimal computing hardware, making it perfect for field tablets.

Lynx Technical Specifications

Weight 3.0 – 3.7 kg (6.6 – 8.2 lbs)
Wingspan 2.3 m (7.5 ft)
Material Kevlar, carbon fiber, foam core
Propulsion High efficiency electric motor
Ground Control Station Swift GCS
Image Processing Compatible with standard photogrammetry tools (Agisoft Photoscan, Pix4D, etc)
Takeoff Hand launch1
Landing Deep-stall1
Cruise Speed 16 m/s (36 mph)
Wind Limit 13 m/s (25 knots)
Flight Time Up to 3 hours with standard mapping payload2
Nominal Ground Coverage 6 sq km (1,500 acres) @ 2.3 cm/px3
Mapping Payloads
Visible 24 MP APS-C sensor Sony a6000, 36 MP full frame sensor Sony a7R
a6000 Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) 1.76 cm/px - 24 MP @ 90 m AGL
2.34 cm/px - 24 MP @ 120 m AGL
a7R Ground Sampling Distance (GSD)

1.26 cm/px - 36 MP @ 90 m AGL
1.68 cm/px - 36 MP @ 120 m AGL  

Multispectral MicaSense RedEdge (5 spectral bands)
RedEdge Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) 6.14 cm/px - Multispectral @ 90 m AGL (300 ft)
8.18 cm/px - Multispectral @ 120 m AGL (400 ft)
Constellation GPS, GLONASS, SBAS, QZSS
Frequency L1/L2
PPK Logging Optional firmware activation
Demonstrated Horizontal Accuracy 3.6 cm (XY – RMSE) PPK
Demonstrated Vertical Accuracy 3.6 cm (Z – RMSE) PPK
Detachable Wings & Tail Yes
Flight Case Pelican 1740 case - (112.1 x 40.9 x 35.5 cm)
Support Case Pelican Air 1535 case - (55.7 x 30.4 x 22.8 cm)

 Lynx features a deep-stall landing; the landing can be manual or autonomous. Specifically, the aircraft is intentionally stalled at a user selected location and lands almost vertically with the wing producing drag instead of lift. This slows down the descent similar to a parachute. The landing is steerable, and the process can even be aborted to resume flying as needed. To help shed energy from landing impact, the wings and tail separate from the fuselage.

Flight time may vary based on environmental factors.

With 24 MP payload, 120 m (400 ft) flight altitude, 65% sidelap.


Swift GCS

Designed from the ground up by SRP aero for drone mapping.

Use Swift GCS to map with ease. Swift GCS features powerful yet simple survey mapping tools, with intuitive drag and drop controls. Optimized for touch screens and requiring minimal computing hardware, Swift GCS is perfect for field laptops and tablets.

  • Designed for Mapping

    Mapping an area of interest with Swift GCS is a simple process. Create a polygon from scratch with drag and drop points, or import a KML using the KML to survey tool. New areas drawn can be saved for future use. Adjusting options such as altitude, heading, and overlap will update the survey grid in real-time and can be tweaked at any point. A survey summary displays useful information such as the area size, photo count, and estimated flight time.

    Designed for Mapping - Lynx FarScight - Sci.Aero
  • Benefits

    Automated safety checks
    Increased situational awareness
    Short learning curve
    Reduced preflight time
    Increased device compatibility (Windows, Linux, OS X)
    Minimal hardware needed
  • Integrated Checklist

    Increase safety, user friendliness, and reduce preflight time with a built-in checklist. The integrated checklist features automated preflight steps and an illustrated walkthrough to help new users.

    Designed for Mapping - Lynx FarScight - Sci.Aero
  • Features

    Integrated checklist
    Automated preflight
    KML import/overlay
    KML to survey grid
    Polygon survey grid
    Geotagging tools
    Terrain visualization
    Clean user interface
    Drag and drop waypoints
    Wind estimator
    Message and warnings panel
    Waypoint uploading and verification
    Deep-stall approach path
    Initial aircraft setup (parameters, sensors, calibration)
  • Terrain Visualization

    See more before you fly. The terrain elevation layer provides insight to where you fly before takeoff. Understanding the surrounding terrain can be critical for safety and planning purposes.

    Designed for Mapping - Lynx FarScight - Sci.Aero
  • OEM Customization

    Swift GCS can be configured to your specific system with customizable checklists, mission planning, and system settings. Utilize the internal updater to deliver improvements directly to customers.

  • Benefits

    Map more per flight
    Multiple payload options
    High precision
    Minimize need for ground control
    Operate from confined areas
    Small equipment footprint
    Digitised Linework
    Minimal setup time
    Automated checklist
    Intuitive mission planning
  • Designed for the Field

    Lynx FarScight was designed from the ground up to be a mapping drone. It is a precision handcrafted system and made from the toughest materials available. The aircraft itself is simple, with only three moving parts, and extremely durable to withstand field abuse. A modular payload bay sits beneath the wing allowing users to fly the right camera for job.

  • Minimal Setup

    No unnecessary gear. The hand launch takeoff and deep-stall landing are both versatile and simple and do not require any additional equipment onboard or on the ground. The aircraft features a clip-on tail and removable three-piece wing for easy transport and rapid assembly. The entire system packs down into one carry-on size case and one airline checkable case.

  • Flexible Precision

    Achieve centimeter level accuracy with post-processed kinematics PPK GNSS , or activate PPK when needed without any hardware changes to the aircraft.

  • Intuitive Controls

    Swift GCS is your interface to the drone. The built-in checklist features automated preflight steps and an illustrated walkthrough that guides new users through the flying process. Survey planning is powerful yet simple, with intuitive controls and drag and drop waypoints. Swift GCS is optimized for touch and requires minimal computing hardware, making it perfect for field tablets.

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